Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Submitted photo of 50th reunion held in 2005

We are looking forward to the 55th Reunion to be held in the summer of 2010. The Class planning committee will meet sometime after January to decide the location and time for the 55th class reunion. If you would like to be on the Class planning committee, please let us know and we will let you know when and where the first meeting will take place. You may contact the class at: charbett@comcast.net and let us know of your interest.
Start sending in your suggestions for the 55th Class reunion and let us know if you prefer a single evening event or a Friday evening event, a Saturday evening Dinner or a Sunday afternoon picnic.
Remember, you can make your comments by clicking "comment" at the bottom of this post and send in your info.


  1. Please, let's have only one event! This isn't a major year milestone and we don't need a full weekend of activities. Personally, our favorite at the 50th was the picnic on Sunday afternoon. We are all in favor of getting together, but one event is enough.

  2. I'm wondering if a "Local" entered the ubove comment? For those of us who are out-of-state, coming back to Montesano is a BIG thing. We travel by air, or several days by car just to be at the reunion...one day is not enough! Let's have at least two events. We vote for a Saturday dinner and a Sunday picnic!

  3. Very happy we are given a chance to help decide how many events we will have at the 55th. We agree with the "Out of Towner's" There should be at least two events. After traveling a great distance, there should be something on Saturday evening and a picnic Sunday afternoon. Send out a lot of information so we know what is being planned!
